
7 Ways Neuromarketing Impact Marketing Campaign

October 19, 2020 4 min read
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How Neuromarketing Should Impact Your Next Marketing Campaign

Neuromarketing is an exciting advertising method combining how people’s brains function with the psychology of why they react the way they do to certain stimuli. Businesses have unique target audiences, so neuromarketing research must be specific to them. 

There are some questions in the academic world about how ethical neuromarketing is and if those using it are simply manipulating consumers. However, when done with authenticity and transparency, it can provide valuable insights. Neuromarketing campaigns can help your customers gain a better understanding of what you have to offer. 

Utilizing neuromarketing campaigns effectively requires fully understanding the advantages of a better connection to your clients. Here are seven neuromarketing ways you can use it to impact your next marketing campaign.

1. Seek an Emotional Connection

One of the best uses of neuroscience comes through understanding the emotions your users feel. Start by thinking about the pain point sending people your way. Why do they seek the product or service you offer in the first place? Next, study the science behind their motivation. If you sell safety devices for the home, fear for their family’s safety might be what drives them to your website. How can you connect to potential clients and reassure them there is nothing to be afraid of with the right preventive measures?

Play to the emotions but don’t take advantage of them. It’s a fine line to walk, so you may want to utilize control groups to make sure you aren’t giving off the wrong vibe via your marketing messages. 

2. Build Trust

One of your top goals with marketing should be to build trust in your brand and the products you sell. Your company’s reputation determines if people buy from you and recommend you to their family and friends. Study the neuroscience behind what makes people trust you. 

You need to be transparent. Don’t try to cover your flaws with sly words, because consumers are savvy and see right through subterfuge. Instead, be upfront about your limitations but share the benefits of doing business with you. What makes you stand out from other companies like yours? What is your unique value proposition, and why should the consumer care?

3. Read Eye-Tracking Studies

While running your own eye-tracking study EEG might be a more significant investment than you can afford, you can learn from what scientists have discovered. For example, most English-speakers start at the top left of a webpage and then scroll down in a Z-like pattern. The elements across the top of your page become vital to grabbing the user’s attention. 

You should also put the most important items to the far left, such as in your navigation structure. While your site may vary slightly, this is a general pattern that applies to nearly any audience who might land on your site.

4. Use the Right Color

Different shades evoke different emotions in humans. Scientists are still figuring out both the neuroscience and psychology behind why red makes people excited or blue calms them down. Life experiences and personal preferences can impact how much a color affects a person. 

As a rule of thumb, you can use specific colors to tap into emotions. Your brand likely already has a color palette, but when advertising, you can use any shades you’d like to tap into these feelings. 

5. Utilize Social Proof

When people are unsure about something, they tend to look at what others are doing. By tapping into the need to be part of a group and to follow the crowd, marketers can utilize social proof to show potential customers why their product is worth buying. Seek testimonials from your top customers, list reviews of products and ask for feedback on social media. 

The more you can show leads other people love you, the more likely they are to buy from you. People tend to believe a peer’s recommendation, even someone they don’t personally know, over you. 

6. Study Gain, Pain and Obtain

The brain processes decision-making in unique ways. First, the person considers what happens if they have the product. What are the benefits to their life, and what will they gain? They then look at the pain involved, such as spending money they need for something else or on a product that isn’t as fun. What will they have to give to buy the item? Finally, they weigh the data from gain and pain and decide if they want to obtain the product or not.

You need to study your target audience and figure out how best to increase the gain and decrease the pain. The more you can tilt the scales toward gain, the more likely they will make a purchase. 

7. Add Visuals

The human brain processes images about 60 times faster than text. If you aren’t already using beautiful imagery in your marketing, now is the time to start. Look for highly relevant photographs showing what your product does or someone using the item. You’ve probably noticed some brands use beautiful or young people in their ads. The brain associates beauty or youth with the product and reaches a particular audience.

Once you fully understand who your buyer persona is, it’s much easier to figure out what pictures appeal most to that demographic. Include visuals in every ad, on your website and in all content. You can say a lot more with a photo than with words alone.

neuromarketing campaign illustration
Neuromarketing Campaigns

You’re Probably Already Using Neuromarketing

More than likely, you’re already using many of the basic elements of neuromarketing. Study the science behind how the human brain works and take your efforts to the next level. There are many ways to make an impression on shoppers. Think about what speaks to your users and enhance your messaging to meet their needs.

Lexie is a web designer and neuromarketing enthusiast. She enjoys hiking with her Goldendoodle and checking out local flea markets. Visit her design blog, Design Roast, and connect with her on Twitter @lexieludesigner.

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